Zuplo API Management
Zuplo is a fresh take on the traditional API Management/Gateway platform: designed for developers and made for the edge, Zuplo offers effortless programmability and GitOps integration. Merge a PR to deploy to the edge at over 200 data-centers worldwide in <20s. Deep integration with OpenAPI including linting, automated testing and more.
Platform Capabilities
API GatewayAPI DesignOpenAPI lintingDeveloper PortalMonitoringThreat ProtectionAnalyticsDocumentationGateway Capabilities
Custom Code ExecutionOpenAPI enforcementMediationTraffic ManagementOpenAPI IntegrationVersioningMockingGateway Policies
- API Key Authentication
- IP Access Rules
- JWT authorizers (Custom, Auth0, AWS Cognito)
- Basic Authentication
- AWS IAM roles and policies
- ACL (Access Control List)
- Audit Logs